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Movie Poop Shoot's "Hollywood Elsewhere" columnist Jeffrey Wells puts out a plea to find his son a summer job in Los Angeles. The kid's got his own car, and according to the proud papa, "good-looking"—he included pics of the kid (nope, we're not posting them, but that's Dad on the left) just in case someone wanted to pre-screen based on purely superficial criteria. This is Los Angeles, and without your own car and some nice features the best you're going to do is, well, he'll probably wind up running Disney next week. And, according to the elder Wells, he works cheap. (He's an Internet columnist's kid, not a Katzenberg.) Hey, is he Jewish? Maybe we can get him hooked up with an Olsen, too.

Click below to read the email:


My son, [name and age deleted] will be staying with me in Los Angeles from June 15th to mid August, and is currently looking around for a paying summer job down here. His resume and photo are attached. Anything will do, but he's a bright, polite, good-looking kid with a easygoing personality, AND he's got his own wheels (a recent-model Beetle), AND he drives like a 65 year-old man with a heart condition.

If anyone knows of an outfit that could use the services of a bright kid who obviously isn't in a position to demand much of a salary, please get back to me and I'll forward it to [name deleted].

Jeffrey Wells
"Hollywood Elsewhere"