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Today, pseudonymous blogger/supposedly A-list actor Rance cheekily writes a letter in the guise of his parents, who apologize for their boy running around the Internet and pretending to be someone famous.

Who is Rance? Owen Wilson? George Clooney? Jim Carrey? (Click here to read some speculation.)

But an intrepid reader wasn't satisfied with the wild guessing, and set out to unmask Rance. Rance is... advertising copywriter? Follow the jump and read her guess. We've followed all of her steps ourselves and it seems to check out, though we're not sure if "Rance" is still with the firm she found.

[Note to the researcher: We're keeping your identity secret, but if you email us, we'll gladly credit you.]

So, to procrastinate at work, I decided to try to do a little detective work on identity of "Rance" from blog and I thought I'd write you with my findings.... I went to to try to do a domain search for the address, but that came up blank (I think because it is hosted by tripod/yahoo). Then I tried a keyword search on on just "captainhoof": This search showed that at one time (its not currently in operation) there was once a, and the Name the domain is/was registered to is "Ryan Ebner." Ryan's email is listed as [address redacted] Soooo... I checked out which turns out to be an ad agency.

If you click on 'Key Personnel' you can see a bio of "Captain Hoofers"...a former 'Spokeshorse' (hehe), actor, and TV personality, and current Account Executive at the Agency. So, my guess, is that "Rance" is Ryan Ebner pretending to be an actor (perhaps Captain Hoofers - which would coordinate with the reference in the web address). Quite a silly hoax but one just the same... I didn't come up with much, after doing a google search on Ryan Ebner. He seems to be a Copywriter at the ad agency. So there is my guess. What do you think?