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An attendee of last night's Willie Nelson and Friends concert at the Wiltern sends us a report from the show. We were shocked [Ed.note—Shocked!] to hear insinuations that some of the storied musicians might have been performing while under the influence of one or more illegal substances. And we're somewhat heartened to find out that the original Batman is still alive and a recreational stage-diver.

Was at the Willie Nelson & Friends concert last night at the Wiltern. Very cool surprises including a very stoned (half dead) Bob Dylan. The show was taped for USA Network (airs May 31) and because it wasn't live they could have tunes re-played if the artists fucked it up. Dylan and Willie had to reprise. Heard Willie was too stoned to sing, if that's possible.

Anyway I sat near Meg Ryan and Laura Dern...which I thought was strange until remembering Laura is married to Ben Harper, who I'd say was the best performer of the night. Meg rocked out hard to Toot's version of "Pressure Drop." Filmed her on my camera phone filming the performance on her camera phone. She took a break to run over and hug Rob Reiner.

Other random sightings—Mark Ruffalo and his wife. Sly Stallone with two creepy Bret Ratner looking dudes and the most mind-blowing...Michael Keaton. Keaton jumped up on stage for the finale (ON THE ROAD AGAIN)...I think I saw a bouncer trying to drag him off. Henry Kissinger's son was there as well.

Oh yeah, James Caan hosted. I think the four pushing-40 bimbos behind me were his guests, they continued to scream out his name.