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The Smoking Gun has the mugshot of Real World Miami castmate Dan Renzi, who was arrested for exercising his right to stroke his penis in a Kansas City porno theater on Cinco de Mayo. [Ed. note—You'd think he'd be safe after flying all the way to Kansas City just to jerk off.] While we usually never pass up the opportunity to make the easy joke, Defamer will not make any facile Pee Wee Herman references, even though both men were arrested for stroking their penises in theaters showing pornography.

Renzi is very forthcoming on the incident in his blog, offering a "True or False" with the details of his arrest. ("TRUE OR FALSE: I was having sex with other people. False. I was just having self-time.") We suppose that Renzi can take some comfort in the fact that being on a reality TV show makes you just famous enough to get arrested for self-abuse in a Missouri gay porno theater.