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This week's huge Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) attracts the area's civilian nerds for the video game convention and Hollywood's celebrity lushes for the boozy parties. A reader sends this report from last night's star-studded Playstation 2 event at the Mayan Belasco Theater (you'd think that Sony was debuting a high-end vodka for all of the drunken antics going on):

UPDATE: The party was at the Belasco, not the Mayan. How drunk was our reporter? Buzznet's Marc Brown points out the error, and has pics of the event.

Last night Sony held a celebrity studded party for Playstation 2 at the Mayan Theater. Couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting a celeb. Lara Flynn Boyle looking positively emaciated didn't have vip access but walked right in when the sleazy velvet rope man saw her. Shannon Elizabeth looking sad that no one likes her now that she wants to keep her top on. Leonardo Di Caprio sans Gizelle, drunk as hell and all over several girls. Iggy Pop and the Yeah Yeah Yeah's performed and phoned it in for their personal appearance fees. Karen O (of the Yeah Yeah Yeah's slipped out of her limo in the alley into her trailer, She has this bi-level haircut and 3 years ago electroclash makeup, and is quite apparently smitten with herself and playing the part of an ego-maniac rock star to the hilt. Kirsten Dunst picked up the peanut cart Cater-Waiter to come back for a drink only to meet up with Jake Gyllenhal. No Doubt, Donovan Leitch, Jared Leto (who was begging to be recognized), and Jesse (that tall skinny cracked out mtv veejay from years back). And a slew of other b-list stars and starlets swarming around the Chinese decor and giant screen TV's projecting Playstation graphics.