In 486 days, we will finally be able to purchase Kristin Cavallari's debut book, Balancing on Heels. It will also finally be spring (2016). Who knows what the trends will be then, but right now, the hottest trend is "yellow," according to a new post on Kristin's app titled "Spring Trends."

Kristin writes,

After months of grey skies and snow, what better color to boost that mood than yellow? It's one of springs [sic] hottest colors and I couldn't be more excited about a little sunshine in my life. Actually, this season's trends are all on point: seventies, fringe, and military green? Spring, you are speaking my language!

Seventies, fringe, and military green? That's Kristin's language.

Someday, after the Earth orbits the Sun another time or two, we'll be able to read more.

This has been 500 Days of Kristin.

[Photo via Getty]