Four hundred and eighty-five days until Kristin Cavallari's debut book Balancing on Heels drops, and now the master picks up her pen for the first time. Or, at least, she picks up something. No evidence yet of a pen on the scene, as Kristin revealed in an Instagram post today that her creative process is perhaps more elemental than previously thought.

The caption of her above photo reads:

Coffee ✔️ Fire ✔️ Candles ✔ My LOVE necklace ✔️ All the perfect ingredients to work on my book today. Balancing On Heels will be out spring 2016.

Yes, this is indeed confirmation that Kristin is cooking up a book, and she's got her ingredients right here: coffee, fire, wax, and precious metal. Everything you need to write a book.

Balancing on Heels will be written in fire on the blackened husk of a scorched Earth.

Balancing on Heels will be illustrated with burnt coffee grounds and melted candle wax.

Balancing on Heels will combine the wisdom of a necklace with the frantic frenzy of a caffeine high.

Balancing on Heels will be out spring 2016, says Kristin, who has no doubt been working very hard all day.

This has been 500 Days of Kristin.

[Photo via Getty]