There are 484 days until Kristin Cavallari's debut book Balancing on Heels drops, and while she keeps showing herself to us in new ways with each passing hour, it's hard to catch everything that she puts out into the world. For example, last week, she posted this Instagram photo, titled "Green smooooothie":

Kristin wants you to see her green smooooothie. Look at her big, sparkly green smooooothie. Looks may fade and husbands' athletic careers may peter out without much fanfare, but an enormous—an almost offensively large—green smoooothie is something you can brag about to strangers, and also something that can be pawned in a hurry if need be.

What facet of her life will Kristin blind us with next?

This has been 500 Days of Kristin.

[Photo via Getty]