Two hundred and seventy-seven days ago, Kristin Cavallari commenced work on her debut book, Balancing in Heels (formerly titled Balancing on Heels—Kristin’s first choice of title). At the time, she said the tome would encompass “really just everything” in her life. Many are still wondering what that means, but today Kristin offered a clue.

In a post on Instagram, she revealed that she has chosen to title Chapter Two of The Book Formerly Known As Balancing on Heels..................................................................


..................................................................................................................................“All Wifed Up.”

Wow—would you look at that. This is the first time Kristin has provided concrete photo evidence that her book is, indeed, in progress. The photo on the page, of course, is of Kristin and Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler, the man with whom she is wifed up.

Kristin conveniently obscured the text portion of the page, however, with a teacup. (Hopefully this is not the sole copy of Chapter Two Page One.) The only two phrases that remain legible are “If you watched Laguna Beach” and “I came off as tough.” Given this, it’s fair to assume that Balancing in Heels will contain some amount of self-mythologizing.

In any case, it’s funny to imagine someone who did not watch Laguna Beach buying Kristin’s book.

This has been 500 Days of Kristin.

[Photo via Getty]