500 Days of Kristin, Day 289: Other Books Kristin Recommends

If all goes according to (God’s) plan, Kristin Cavallari will become a published author in the spring of 2016. She is currently urging the public to pre-order her book, Balancing in Heels. But what other books does Kristin recommend?
Since 2010, she has tweeted about seven (7) books other than her own. Here they are, in case you want a book recommendation from Kristin Cavallari:
The EveryGirl’s Guide to Diet and Fitness by Maria Menounos
So excited for my friend @mariamenounos- her new book #EveryGirlsGuide to Diet & Fitness is out today! Get ur copy! http://t.co/XS35H1fECw
— Kristin Cavallari (@KristinCav) June 5, 2014
How I Got Skinny, Famous, and Fell Madly in Love by Ken Baker
Hey guys check out @KenBakerNow's reality TV novel #HowIGotSkinny . It's a must read! http://t.co/IN1GYqxTdb
— Kristin Cavallari (@KristinCav) December 5, 2014
The Unhealthy Truth by Robyn O’Brien
. @amy_harris13 The Unhealthy Truth by Robyn O'Brien is a great book about chemicals in our food ;) hope that helps.
— Kristin Cavallari (@KristinCav) December 16, 2013
Just finished the book The Unhealthy Truth. Pretty crazy/scary stuff about the food industry and allergies in kids. Moms should check it out
— Kristin Cavallari (@KristinCav) April 4, 2012
Where We Belong by Emily Giffin
Who else has read Where We Belong by Emily Giffin? Just started it and I'm kind of obsessed. I like all of her books.
— Kristin Cavallari (@KristinCav) September 11, 2012
The Skinny Rules: The Simple, Nonnegotiable Principles for Getting to Thin by Bob Harper
everyone go pick up @mytrainerbob new book #skinnyrules. It's amazing!
— Kristin Cavallari (@KristinCav) May 18, 2012
Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin
Just finished reading Skinny Bitch. Everyone should read it...very informative. Crazy info about our food industry. Scary stuff
— Kristin Cavallari (@KristinCav) March 7, 2011
The Beauty Book for Brain Cancer by Darren Tieste
Pre Order THE BEAUTY BOOK for BRAIN CANCER now at http://t.co/eeUHoHgN, its a great cause and I'm in it!
— Kristin Cavallari (@KristinCav) October 10, 2011
Eat, Pray, Love (“Eat-Love-Pray”) by Elizabeth Gilbert
I am loving "Eat-Love-Pray," a book by Elizabeth Gilbert! OMG, amazing! Check out our discussion on @BonnieHuntShow this Monday-NBC!
— Kristin Cavallari (@KristinCav) January 29, 2010
A surprising number of genres represented: fiction, non-fiction, coffee table book. Three texts with “skinny” in the title. One book with a picture of Kristin in it.
This has been 500 Days of Kristin.
[Photo via Getty]