500 Days of Kristin, Day 32: Emerald Duv Customer Service Department

In addition to working tirelessly on her forthcoming teen vampire novel Balancing on Heels, Kristin Cavallari designs mid-priced jewelry that retails online. This fact was recently brought to our attention by Kristin, who posted a photo of said jewelry on her Instagram account along with the name of her line: Emerald Duv.
Emerald Duv.
Doov? Duhv? Dee Yoo Vee?
Since EmeraldDuv.com provides no pronunciation clarification—the ABOUT US page states only that Emerald Duv jewelry is handmade "in Bali & L.A." with lots of love, and the rest of the site consists primarily of photos of Kristin wearing a bikini, pigtail braids, and three to four pounds of silver and turquoise jewelry she designed herself—we contacted the company via email for an explanation.

Here is what we wrote:
Good afternoon,
How do you pronounce "Emerald Duv"?
And here the email Kristin's design partner Chelsea Bulte sent in response:

This has been 500 Days of Kristin.
[Photo via Getty]