|No one, holographic or corporal, has been set to play the titular role.
"Corporeal". The military (hopefully) has nothing to do with this.
obsolete : corporeal, physical
: of, relating to, or affecting the body <corporalpunishment>
— cor·po·ral·ly adverb
See corporal defined for kids »
Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin corporalis,from corpor-, corpus body — more at midriff
First Known Use: 14th century
animal, bodily, carnal, physical, corporeal, fleshly,material, somatic
Well, drat. I thought I was being all smart n' stuff. :)
Is it too soon to hope for Michael B. Jordan? But let's be honest, I just want him to star in everything ever.
They tried to start casting this last year and they had a hard time finding Tupac. I hope they get a no name and someone that does Tupac justice.