Conrad Hilton Arrested After Breaking Into Ex-Girlfriend's House

After exactly one week on probation, Conrad Hilton is back in jail—this time for allegedly breaking into his ex-girlfriend’s house.
Hilton’s lawyers, who are certainly earning their billable hours this year, just hammered out a plea deal last Monday keeping the petite heir out of jail over his midair meltdown last summer.
But his negotiated freedom was short-lived and ended quite dramatically, TMZ reports. According to the website, Hilton was arrested again last night after breaking into the home of his ex-girlfriend Hunter Salomon.
Cute: Hunter is the daughter of Rick Salomon, who co-starred i.e. had sex with Conrad’s older sister Paris in the infamous sex tape 1 Night in Paris.
Super-cute: Hunter is also the daughter of E.G. Daily, who voiced Tommy Pickles on Rugrats.
Here’s how TMZ describes the incident:
Hunter claims after they broke up, Conrad became obsessive and scary, showing up at her house at all hours and even threatening to kill himself.
Hunter got a restraining order but on Monday we’re told Conrad broke into her family home in the Hollywood Hills. An army of cops, along with helicopters, swarmed the house and arrested him.
I truly never thought I’d say this, but damn, it feels really good not being a wealthy 21-year-old hotel heir.