Conrad Hilton, a barred-out air terrorist with a famous last name, was looking at 20 years in prison after an insane 11-hour meltdown on an international flight last summer. So will he be serving 20 years in prison? Hell no!

Hilton was arrested last July after spending the entire British Airways flight from London to Los Angeles acting like a trust fund madman.

According to witnesses, the petite prince stalked up and down the airplane aisles, ranted that passengers wanted to “fuck or fight him,” accused flight attendants of “taking the peasants’ side,” and attempted to punch one male crew member, missing him by “about ten centimeters.”

He also reportedly smoked weed in the bathroom and extended an invitation to one of the pilots to fight him, which was respectfully declined.

One thing that did not bother him at all? His pending arrest.

“I could get you all fired in five minutes,” he reportedly said. “I know your boss! My father will pay this out. He has done it before. Dad paid $300k last time.”

All in all, his crimes amounted to a potential 20 year sentence in a federal prison, which obviously he will not be serving. Guess the lil Hilton was right after all.

Conrad Hilton has been sentenced to three years probation and ordered to undertake 750 hours of community service after pleading guilty to disrupting a flight last July.

The 21-year-old was also ordered to pay a $5,000 fine and have mental health and substance abuse treatment at a hearing on Monday after previously pleading guilty to a misdemeanor count or simple assault.

But was this even his worst crime? Lol. No.

Only the fashion police can save us from this maniac now.

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