The people have spoken, and they want muscles. In the great American debate over which version of Chris Pratt—dadbod or rippedbod—is hotter, the winner is clear: of the just over 20,000 votes, 61 percent went to rippedbod, making dadbod something like the Walter Mondale of body types. Below are demographic stats breaking down Pratt bod preferences by age, gender, and location.* (Botswana: dadbod!)

*The age and gender stats were self-reported by those who chose to fill out the information, while the location data was culled by Qzzr. This is extremely scientific.

First, by gender:

Haha, men want to be lazy and quasi-fat, whereas women want men to be toned and fit. I’m glad this has been cleared up.


Putting aside self-reported 0-12 year olds (if you are that young, please consult a dadbod or guardian before visiting Gawker), as well as all those age groups with fewer than 100 respondents, preference for dadbod increased with age, jumping more than 10 percentage points from the youngest 100+ bracket (18-24 year olds) to the oldest (45-54 year olds). Among this latter category, a nearly 50/50 split favored rippedbod by a single percentage point. If you’re a 13-17 year old with dadbod: it gets better!

Now, the United States:

Here, the more reddish the state, the more it slanted—down and out and spreading on all sides—toward dadbod. A particular fondness for dadbod was concentrated in a pocket of rural America that includes West Virginia, Indiana, Kentucky, Arkansas and Missouri. Delaware, Maine, and Hawaii also went for dadbod. What does it mean?

Our most heavily rippedbod state was South Dakota, which, sure. New York was our bellwether, splitting, like the overall results, 61/39 in favor of dadbod.

Pratt’s homestate of Minnesota was fairly evenly split.

Now let’s take a look at the world at large:

While the bright red countries were all unanimously in favor of dadbod, each of them had fewer than 3 total votes. The countries with the highest voter totals outside of the U.S.—the United Kingdom, Germany, and Australia—all slanted heavily in favor of rippedbod. Of France’s rather paltry 77 votes, 70 percent were in favor of rippedbod, but you weren’t gonna land a French lady anyway.

If you would like to mess around in the stats module, you can do so by progressing past the voting stage of the following poll:

Thanks for sharing your opinions on dadbods with us, for hopefully the last time.

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