The overwhelming popularity of the HBO miniseries The Jinx has brought down shame on the Durst family name. Dursts everywhere, whether directly related to the NYC real estate family or not, have had to assert their independence from the alleged serial killer. The man most often confused for a murderer? Limp Bizkit vocalist William "Fred" Durst.

As our sister site pointed out after Robert Durst and Fred were mixed up in a story run by the Associated Press in mid-March, the two Dursts share much in common:

The mistake is understandable. Both men have ruined many lives across America; both are believable killers; both display a shattering ocular coldness that could stymie even the boldest reporter who durst to untangle these harrowing facts.

But don't confuse the two. "I am NOT ROBERT," Fred Durst says, wearing a hoodie specifically printed for the occasion of when people confuse him with a man now in custody for murder.

As Instagram commenter xxl.hotswag points out, "Nice photo i like it so much :D"

[Image via Instagram]