Remember that story about Harrison Ford injuring his ankle on the Millennium Falcon that we all got a worried little kick out of last week? (Remember when the police said they responded to "reports of a 71-year-old man being injured by a garage door"?) Well, it turns out that it's a bit more serious than we all thought: Ford is reported to have suffered a broken leg.

In a statement about the accident, Ford's rep, Ina Treciokas, confirmed that what was originally reported as an ankle injury actually turned out to be a break in his left leg:

"Harrison's left leg was broken in the accident. His surgery was successful and he will begin rehab shortly. He's doing well and looks forward to returning to work."

Disney confirmed to TheWrap that shooting on J.J. Abrams' Star Wars: Episode VII will remain on schedule while Ford's leg heals, which is reported to take up to eight weeks.

Seems like a pretty optimistic estimate!

[image via Getty]