Tom Hardy, an English actor with big muscles and a stern glare, looks tough. Hell, he looks like he could punch your face through a wall. Does that mean he’s definitely gonna do that without thinking about the consequences? Would he ever kill someone? Luckily, he says he wouldn’t. Thank god.

In a new interview with Details magazine, in advance of the upcoming Mad Max reboot—Mad Max: Kill People, Burn Shit, Fuck School—Hardy explains that though he “loves the military,” he has a tough time imagining himself killing things:

Yeah. I’ve got a lot of friends in the military. I have a problem with killing—otherwise I’d be doing it. I have a fundamental issue with killing something. I can’t do it. I’ve tried, trust me. It’s not easy.

I don’t like hunting. I don’t see the point in killing another being. This is the paradox of the double bind, right? ‘Cause I love the military. It would be a gross act of fucking negligence, spiritually, to go and get on a plane and find myself in a place where I took somebody’s life.

If you thought Tom Hardy was going to kill you, he’s not going to. There’s your answer.

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