Could it be? On Friday night, it seems as though Leonardo DiCaprio's Pussy Posse put on their Pussy robes, gathered around their Pussy fire, and inducted a new Pussy member: the newly divorced Robin Thicke.

Page Six reports Robin Thicke threw himself a divorce party in Los Angeles on Friday, complete with lots and lots of models and also Leonardo DiCaprio—a typical Pussy Posse affair. Tom Hardy and Emile Hirsch—though not official Pussy Posse members themselves (Jonah Hill was the last official new member)—were also said to be among the models. A source spoke to Page Six about the Pussy Party:

"There were a lot of models there. Leo and Robin were being super flirtatious and talking to tons of girls. Robin, in particular, was dancing and talking to a pretty brunette throughout most of the night. At one point, he grabbed a girl's hand and was like, 'Let's dance' . . . he was in great spirits, and put on a mix of music including pop, hip-hop, older stuff from the '90s and soul. Everyone was dancing until past 3 a.m."

"Let's dance." Hmmm. Sounds like this horn dog was exactly the fresh meat this Pussy Posse needed!

What sort of hijinks will the Pussy Posse get up to now that it can count Thicke among its honored members (Lukas Haas, David Blaine, Kevin Connolly, etc.)? Only time will tell. ;)

Unless you're a model. ;)

Or Leonardo DiCaprio. ;)

Then I guess you'll know pretty much right away. ;)

[image via Getty]