I wasn’t born yesterday, but that’s when Jennifer Connelly says she bought her first computer. In an interview with Town & Country, the actress revealed that she’s a little behind the times—she doesn’t even tweet!

“My husband is on Twitter, but I am not,” Jennifer said. “I am Miss Analog. I bought my first computer just yesterday.”

How she found out about the “Bad Blood” video and then made up her own name for it without a computer is a mystery to me, but let’s go with it. Here’s how Town & Country describes Jen’s big foray into technology:

Connelly fishes a battered iPhone from her purse, its window severely cracked. She dropped it during a recent skiing holiday in Switzerland and took it in for repairs a few days ago, only to be asked by the Apple technician where she backed up her data. Nowhere, of course. She is now the proud owner of a MacBook Air.

Haha. Imagine talking to a celebrity who tells you she’s never had a computer and then produces an iPhone to prove it. You try to ask which charming ski resort she visited in Switzerland, but you can’t because blood is pouring out of your mouth.

“In college I wrote on an old typewriter,” Jennifer added.

She went to Yale.

Photo via Getty. Contact the author at allie@gawker.com.