Last week, Jeremy Renner’s publicist, Susan Patricola, took umbrage with a story we published about Jeremy Renner crashing a wedding in Houston, Texas. In search of truth, we asked readers to reach out if they or anyone they knew attended the confirmed Jeremy Renner-crashed and allegedly Jeremy Renner-ruined wedding reception.

To refresh your memory, our first story—based on a TMZ report—alleged that Jeremy Renner crashed a stranger’s wedding, refused to take photos with either guests or the bride and groom, and drank from the open bar. Renner spoke to TMZ about the night and claimed he stayed “for about 15 minutes” before leaving to enjoy “the sights of Houston,” whatever those are.

Though roughly the same version of the story was published across multiple media outlets, Renner’s publicist Susan Patricola reached out to tell us our story was “completely inaccurate” and suggested that we “check next time the way every other outlet did.” In fact, our write-up offered roughly the same picture of events as the one published online by People Magazine—an outlet which Patricola identified by name as a place that “got it right!!” We invited Jeremy Renner to author a guest post detailing his version of events on, and Patricola declined on his behalf.

In lieu of a first-hand account from Renner, we turned to the public, whose weddings he allegedly might rudely crash at any moment. Shortly thereafter, we received an email from a reader whose friend claims to have attended the wedding in question—as an invited guest, unlike a certain demon named Jeremy Renner. Here’s what that friend wrote on Facebook, after another user asked for the scoop:

Lol he was there for at least an hour. He said the hotel told him that there was a party on the second floor, so he went and dismissed the fact that it was clearly a wedding. He brought a woman with him (who also drank for free), but he did chat it up with people bold enough to approach him and/or call him out on him eying the female guests (me). He actually was friendly though when I spoke to him. The bride and groom didn’t ask for a pic though to my knowledge. My cousin sent me the TMZ link on Tuesday and didn’t mention that he wouldn’t take pics with him and his wife. Renner did let me take a discreet one though, which is the one I posted.

“[Y]ou should totally email Gawker with your story and pic,” suggested a Facebook acquaintance.

“Haha [redacted] good idea,” responded the wedding guest. “We can help partially clear his name.”

Unfortunately, the guest did not totally email Gawker with the aforementioned story and pic. Luckily for us, our tipster sent screen caps:

The fact that this guest did not personally hear that the bride and groom were declined a photo, and was, in fact, able to sneak a discreet snapshot, does, I suppose, not further incriminate Renner. However, some of the information provided does seem to corroborate details alleged in both the TMZ post and the comments of the original TMZ post, which we excerpted last week. Specifically:

  • Jeremy Renner helped himself to the wedding reception’s open bar.
  • Jeremy Renner was at the wedding reception not for “fifteen minutes,” but for “at least an hour.”

Of course, a new detail we’ve learned is that Renner was not alone in his wedding crashing—he allegedly brought a female friend along who allegedly also helped herself to the open bar.

We’ve attempted to contact the author of the original Facebook post and will update if we hear back. We are still accepting submissions from Jeremy Renner. And remember, if you ever have a good story and pic, you should totally email Gawker.

Images via Getty, Facebook. Contact the author at