We brought you a story earlier this week, via TMZ, about actor Jeremy Renner crashing a wedding in Houston, Texas and hitting up the open bar. His publicist, Susan Patricola, reached out to us shortly after. She was unhappy!

To recap our story—again, via TMZ—Renner, in town for Comicpalooza, stayed at a hotel where a wedding was taking place. He walked into the wedding’s reception, which is rude, got a drink from the open bar, which is rude, refused to take photos with the bride and groom, which is rude, and chatted with some of the guests. (Not rude necessarily.) Here is what Ms. Patricola had to say in response:

From: Susan Patricola
Date: May 27, 2015
To: Kelly Conaboy

Completely inaccurate story that you posted and snarky – but I guess that is expected from your site. Perhaps it would be wise to check before you print something completely inaccurate and maybe, just maybe you might get correct facts. Check People Magazine – they got an answer and got it right!!

Susan Patricola
Patricola Public Relations, Inc.

[A detail absent from our initial post but included here for the sake of completeness: An anonymous TMZ reader posting under the pseudonym “1213,” who claimed to have been a guest at the wedding Renner crashed, stated on TMZ’s website, in response to commenters giving Renner the benefit of the doubt: “First of all, it was the Magnolia Hotel, not the Regency. It was NOT the same as the hotel bar. It was a private room, and he stayed a LOT longer than 15 minutes. He said if he took pictures with the bride and groom, then he’d have to take picture with all the guests. Way to keep it classy!” While we cannot confirm that this person was, in fact, a guest at the ceremony, he or she did leave several comments on the TMZ article indicating such, and did correctly identify the location of the ceremony as Houston’s Magnolia Hotel.]

“Snarky” is expected from our site—it’s true. However, if People Magazine’s version of events (“Jeremy Renner Crashes a Couple’s Wedding in Houston”) is correct, as Ms. Patricola says it is, the only deviation in stories is an explicitly stated “openness” of the bar—a note we took from the TMZ story which we quoted and to which we linked in the post. Otherwise, People Magazine’s version was the same—he still went to a wedding he wasn’t invited to; he still refused to pose for pictures; he still had a drink—only with a rosier take. According to People, Jeremy Renner “suited up for a little wedding action down South”; according to TMZ (which provided photo proof), Jeremy Renner wore a “t-shirt and sport coat.” Oh, Jeremy Renner didn’t take photos because it was “the bride and groom’s special night”? O.K. Jeremy Renner.

We should note here that, while Ms. Patricola praises People for “getting it right,” People’s item in fact contains at least one easily identifiable error (as pointed out in the article’s comments section by a reader): While People claims that, this past December, the members of Maroon 5 “spiced things up in Los Angeles, showing up uninvited to ceremonies around the city,” to film adorable surprises that were eventually arranged into a music video for the band’s single Sugar, Cosmopolitan.com confirmed months ago that much of that “uninvited” footage was actually staged, and took place at entirely fake weddings.

Of course, unlike People, we would love to get the facts in order to present an accurate picture of the world. So we responded to Ms. Patricola:

From: Kelly Conaboy
Date: May 28, 2015
To: Susan Patricola

Hi Susan—

If Mr. Renner would like to give his firsthand account of the events, we’d be eager to set him up with an editor for a guest-authored post or, alternatively, we could publish his words untouched. We’re doing our best to get the facts to present an accurate picture of the night.

I’d also be happy to speak with him on the phone this week if he’d like.

Let me know—


Would Jeremy Renner write a post about crashing a wedding and possibly having a drink at the open bar for Defamer.com? Anything is possible, my friend.

However, no—he certainly would not:

From: Susan Patricola
Date: May 28, 2015
To: Kelly Conaboy

A little late for that. It’s been said and done. Perhaps you will check next time the way every other outlet did.

Susan Patricola
Patricola Public Relations, Inc.

Every other outlet, like TMZ? Hmm.

Ah, who knows. As Ms. Patricola said, it’s all been said and done. In search of truth and facts, though, we’d still love to get an accurate picture of the night. Were you there? Did Jeremy Renner crash your wedding, or perhaps your friend’s wedding, or maybe this was your cousin’s wedding? Did he have a drink at the open bar, or was the bar a cash bar, or perhaps there were two bars and he chose the one that was not open? Was he nice? Did you know what you recognized him from? Jeremy—are you reading this and would you like to guest author a post for Defamer.com? Please get in touch with me at kelly.conaboy@gawker.com.

In a 2012 interview for Vulture about “How to Build a Lasting Movie Star,” Ms. Patricola emphasized the importance of media training for actors “because, as Patricola insists, today, ‘nothing is off the record.’”

In 2015, Ms. Patricola’s client The Dreaded Jeremy Renner insisted many times that the character Black Widow—the only female member of the Avengers in Renner’s new film The Avengers: Age of Ultron—is “a slut.”

Image via Getty. Contact the author at kelly.conaboy@gawker.com.