We all have to grow up some time, and it appears 37-year-old Interstellar actress Jessica Chastain did so in the interim between graduating high school and launching her verified Instagram account, @chastainiac, to which she posted an old photo of herself this weekend. Here's that photo:

Jess captioned the photo "#fbf highschool yearbook pic!" indicating that the pic was taken at some point during her teens. Here's a photo that Jessica posted of herself the next day:

Two pretty pics: one old, one new.

Further research reveals that old photos of Jessica Chastain's face have been hiding in small corners of the web for a couple years. Here are a two we found on "The L Chat" message board:

And here's one from former American Idol contestant Mandisa, who says she went to high school with Jess:

In 2013, Jessica noted that her face has helped her career. She specifically credited her nose—the one she has now—with landing her the lead role in horror thriller Mama. Entertainment Tonight reported at the time:

Jessica explains that when she was first cast, she wanted to know specifically why director Andy Muschietti chose her as opposed to her being forced on him by studio execs. With a hearty laugh, she says he replied, "I want to film your nose. … I love your nose. I want to film your nose."

It's a beautifully designed nose, and Jessica must feel very blessed to have acquired it.

[Images via Getty, Instagram, Twitter, The L Chat]