Jose Canseco Will Wear a Dress for a Week to Support Caitlyn Jenner—Uhh

Jose Canseco, former baseball guy who currently manages a Twitter account and recently blew off his middle finger, would like to demonstrate his support for Caitlyn Jenner. “A normal, non-offensive way?” you’re wondering. No!!!
According to TMZ, Canseco will dress like a woman for a week—“that means full makeup, dresses, the works”—privately, in order to reflect on gender binarism and just kidding he’s doing it for his new web series called “Spend a Day with Jose.”
The show, TMZ explains, “will follow him around as he golfs, plays softball, poker and goes bowling ... as a woman.” He tweeted about it also:
I wonder what I would look like as a woman. Move over Caitlyn
July 30, 2015
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