Bethenny Frankel, a former Real Housewife of New York, is an adult human being, but would appear to weigh as much as a child human being. So as a joke, Frankel posed for a photo (that she later uploaded to her Instagram account) wearing her four-your-old daughter Bryn's Hello Kitty pajamas. The judge in her divorce proceedings from her husband doesn't like the joke, though: She told her to only wear clothes made for adults.

"It's not a joke. Her child is not a joke," Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Ellen Gesmer scolded Frankel's lawyer Thursday in court. The judge demanded, "No more pajamas!"

Frankel uploaded the photo to her Instagram this past July with the caption, "This is my daughter's nightgown and PJ shorts. Think we're ready to start sharing clothes yet?" But apparently, Frankel wasn't even in the courtroom when the judge delivered her sick burn. From People:

Frankel was not in the courtroom at the time. She was waiting in a hallway as her and ex Jason Hoppy's lawyers were talking to the judge about placing a value on their assets. She declined to comment later as reporters asked about the judge's opinion.

Never one to turn down the opportunity to evaluate a joke made on social media, I give Frankel's a D+, primarily because it's unseemly and projects body dysmorphia louder than an ambulance stuck in rush hour traffic. But also because it's unoriginal and lazy: This is the the woman whose claim to riches story is the sale of her low-calorie libations line, Skinnygirl.

[H/T Uproxx // Image via Instagram]