Kaley Cuoco—star of the popular Beep Boop program on CBS, Thursdays 8/7c—put feminism on blast this week when she told Redbook that she's not a feminist because she's "never really faced inequality" and loves "serving" her husband. Now it's a new year, and Kaley is feeling bad about saying those things.

In an Instagram post, KC clarified her seemingly anti-feminist stance by explaining that "anyone that truly knows me, knows my heart and knows what I meant."

In my Redbook article ,some people have taken offense to my comments regarding feminism- if any of you are In the "biz" you are well aware of how words can be taken out of context. I'm completely blessed and grateful that strong women have paved the way for my success along with many others. I apologize if anyone was offended. Anyone that truly knows me, knows my heart and knows what I meant.

Redbook has yet to apologize for asking Kaley Cuoco if she was a feminist in the first place.