What will you be doing roughly 13-17 months from now? Maybe you'll finally be taking a stay-cation in sunny Tulum, where you could live by then. Perhaps you'll be starting a new job at the soda can factory. You might even be well into your second pregnancy if you start on the first one right now. Change is scary, but take comfort in the knowledge that while your life may look different 400-500 days from now, one thing is for certain: you'll be able to read former Laguna Beach star Kristin Cavallari's first book then, probably.

Kristin announced exclusively to E! News this week that her debut memoir/guide to life will drop someday, sometime during the spring of 2016, which is not so far away that we can't imagine what the world will look like then, but far enough into the future that we'll likely be able to order our copies on iPhone 9s.

Why must we wait so long to know all of Kristin's earthly wisdom? Put simply, she has a lot of it. It will easily take at least one and a half years to write it down. She explains:

[The book will be] basically an intimate look at my life. It's going to be a lot of fashion and beauty. Because I'm such a big health nut, it's also going to be health and fitness. And then a lot of recipes because I love to cook and a lot of mommy and wife stuff. So really just everything in my life...

Imagine committing everything in your life to a single book. An exercise both ambitious and humbling. The complete record of one human's existence on the planet, bound in buckram.

The likely 100,000-page tome will be called Balancing on Heels—mark it down now so you don't forget over the next 9,600 to 12,000 hours. We've reached out to Kristin's publisher to see if we can nail down the anticipated release date a little more firmly, and will update if we hear back. In the meantime, please enjoy this recent photo of Kristin wearing a sweater.

Looking forward to finding out how to get this look in time for the Summer Olympics in Rio.

[Photo via Getty, Splash News]