Leo DiCaprio to Adrian Grenier: "Here Is $50,000 for You to Keep"

If Leonardo DiCaprio gave you $50,000, you would love it. Anyone would. And for one lucky man (Adrian Grenier from Entourage and the Park Slope food co-op) that dream is a reality.
"What's the scoop?" you're wondering. OK, here's the scoop: Wealthy celebrity Grenier wanted to make a whale movie, but not badly enough to pay for it himself, even though he has millions of dollars, so he made a Kickstarter with the hope that you would pay for it instead. Multiple non-celebrities gave him their hard-earned money ($278,000 worth of it), but not enough to make the whale movie. Damn. Is hope lost?
With less than 20 hours to go, Adrian Grenier and Joshua Zeman have fulfilled their fundraising goal on Kickstarter to finance the documentary 52: The Search For The Loneliest Whale — thanks to Leonardo DiCaprio who plunked down $50,000 to help the team out.
(The whale is lonely because it communicates at a frequency of 52 hertz, which no other whale can understand, and it has lived its entire life alone, crying out to no one. A very sad story for this whale.)
OK, well, that's the scoop. Thank you for helping the team out, Leonardo DiCaprio. Don't do Kickstarters, celebrities.
[images via Getty]