Is Leonardo DiCaprio, actor and founding member of the Pussy Posse, on Tinder? No. I mean—Maybe.

According to a Star Magazine source who reportedly spoke to Leonardo DiCaprio at Coachella, right, sure, DiCaprio, is “hooked on Tinder.” From Star Magazine, via Celebitchy:

“Leo confessed that he was using the dating app under the name Leonard,” revealed the shocked source. Leo, who has a penchant for lithe blonde swimsuit models, isn’t above meeting a few local ladies as well.

“He said he hasn’t been on any dates yet – but is obsessed with swiping on girls and seeing who’s out there,” adds the source. “He said there’s actually a lot of other celebs who use Tinder just for fun!”

“There are actually a lot of other celebs who use Tinder just for fun.” — Leonardo DiCaprio.

Is Leonardo DiCaprio—famous celebrity who is constantly surrounded by anywhere between, let’s say, ten and forty leggy, blonde models—actually on Tinder under the very funny name “Leonard”? Maybe. In this world anything can happen, and it sure seems that he likes the ladies, or at the very least he certainly likes being surrounded by the ladies.

Should you swipe in the direction that means “would do” on a somewhat overweight, heavily bearded man named Leonard wearing a newsboy cap just in case he is famous celebrity Leonardo DiCaprio?


Or maybe: Yes. I don’t know, you do you. Have fun.

(0% model.)

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