The parents of Marisa Tomei, who live in a beautiful townhouse in Greenwich Village while the rest of us suffer in squalor, have filed a $10 million lawsuit against a guy who is a dead ringer for deceased Beatle John Lennon. The Tomeis allege that Sean Lennon's "stink tree" is encroaching on their rich person palace.

Can you imagine? Haha you can't. But imagine if you could imagine.

The New York Daily News reports that Gary and Addie Tomei filed a lawsuit in a Manhattan Supreme Court alleging that Lennon's tree is fucking up their shit.

Their whole shit:

. . . Gary and Addie Tomei said the 60-foot-high ailanthus tree in Sean Lennon's front yard on W. 13th St. is growing into the concrete foundation of their townhouse and into their front stoop, breaking and displacing the railing.

It has "compromised the basement wall and interior ... (causing) irreparable damage to the structural integrity of the building," according to court papers.

According to the Tomeis, the living ghost of John Lennon is a nice guy overall, but also being kind of an asshole about his stupid tree. Gary Tomei told the New York Daily News that, "He refuses to do anything. He's owned it for six years and neglected it. I like him personally but he's stubborn and he has a lawyer who is very belligerent."

To make matters worse, Lennon's tree (which court papers estimate is between 30 to 50 years old) is diseased with a "partially hollow core." The Tomeis just want some peace, love, and no more tree causing their beautiful home to come crumbling off its foundations. "I hate to see this tree come down," Tomei told the Daily News, "but it's destroying my stoop."

Cut it down, Sean!!!!!

[Images via Getty]