NOFX's Fat Mike was suffering from neck pain during a concert on Tuesday night in Sydney, Australia. "Huh. Maybe I shouldn't be in the band NOFX anymore," he didn't say.

Mike's neck pain was bad news for a fan in a bucket hat who forgot about the neck pain announcement—which was made earlier in the show, according to TMZ—and hopped on stage. After hopping up, the fan put his arm around Fat Mike's neck and, in return, received a punch. After falling to the ground, he received a forceful kick to the face.

The fan apologized—after being kicked in the face while already on the ground!—soon after on Twitter, and Fat Mike returned the apology:

Huh. Though it ended with a Twitter hug, let us please not forget the lessons we learned from this ordeal:

1. Stop it with NOFX.
2. Stop it with jumping on stage.
3. No touching.
4. Quit it.
5. No stage diving anymore.
6. Also stop moshing.


[h/t HuffingtonPost]