Drake is the gooberest cool rapper on Earth, and the following story will only further cement his goober legend. Last night, in an interview with a Miami sports radio station, Mia Khalifa—the number one ranked porn star on Pornhub—told a story about someone who is almost definitely Drake sliding into her Instagram DMs, to send her a series of enthusiastic messages she described as "so cringeworthy."

Khalifa was asked by host Brian Papa which celebrity men had personally contacted her since her sudden rise to fame. After initially demurring, Khalifa said that she was hit up by a famous man whose name... rhymes with "rake." She then begins to cackle before gathering herself to say that the "rake" man's DMs were "so cringeworthy." "The whole thing was cringeworthy," she reiterates.

Papa then jokes that the man they both non-verbally agree is Drake probably sent Khalifa a photo of himself "lying on the bed, shirtless, kinda sad looking"—a cutting Drake caricature if there ever was one—to which she responds, in between laughter, that the radio host is "halfway there."

So, which man whose name rhymes with "rake" tried to fuck Mia Khalifa via Instagram DM? Could it be Blake Shelton? Maybe Jake Gyllenhaal?



Long live the Goober Prince.