In a new Rolling Stone interview, Rage Against the Machine bassist Tim “Timmy C.” Commerford claimed responsibility for one of most devastating outbreaks during the rap-metal crisis that ravaged America in the years leading up to 9/11: the one, the only, Limp Bizkit. He hereby apologizes for that bullshit.

“I do apologize for Limp Bizkit,” Commerford said. “I really do. I feel really bad that we inspired such bullshit.”

Fred Durst’s RatM fandom was public and well-documented. As Rolling Stone pointed out, Limp Bizkit covered “Killing in the Name” one hundred times or more, and Durst credited Rage for starting that rap-metal shit.

Commerford’s distaste for being lumped in with Durst and Co. has been apparent since 2000, when he climbed atop a tower on the set of the Video Music Awards while Bizkit was collecting their Best Rock Video award for “Break Stuff.”

No one at the time seemed to understand why he was up there, but in hindsight it’s clear he was pissed off at the monster that his band had inadvertently created. He was arrested after the incident, but it was worth it.

“I wish I would’ve swung on that thing and brought it to the ground and just destroyed it,” he told Rolling Stone. “If I could do it all over again, I would’ve ripped that thing to the ground and shredded it.”

If there’s one thing that gives Commerford some solace, it’s that modern science has managed to mostly eradicate Bizkit from popular culture, while Rage Against the Machine lives on.

“They’re gone, though,” he said, “That’s the beautiful thing. There’s only one left, and that’s Rage, and as far as I’m concerned, we’re the only one that matters.”

Bad news, Timmy: Limp Bizkit are back together and preparing to bring their “Money Sucks” tour to Putin’s Russia, where Fred Durst has indicated he would like to live permanently.

“We’ve boycotted America for many years now...The reason? We just don’t know what’s going on in America,” Durst said in 2013, “It’s all about the new catchy thing and that’s always changing. America is driven by record sales. It’s the home of corporations. We’re just Limp Bizkit, so we don’t know how to do anything but Limp Bizkit.”

Truer words. (Wes Borland remains surprisingly cool and self-aware, though.)

[Rolling Stone. Photo of Fred Durst via Getty Images]