Sometimes tragedies bring people closer together. Other times, tragedies (like the film Hot Pursuit) tear people apart. This, sadly, is the fate of Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vergara, former co-worker friends who reportedly hate each other now.

They seemed to like each other in the weeks leading up to the film’s premiere and while their Instagram courtship was obviously tied to the release, it still seemed somewhat genuine? I’m no film expert but I call ‘em like I see ‘em. Anyway. The film flopped, and so, apparently, did their friendship.

Now the only pictures they post of one another are professional red carpet photos tied to recent international premieres, and according to Radar Online, that’s because they straight-up hate each other.

“Sofia and Reese have turned the movie’s failure into a brutal blame game,” an insider told “Reese blames Sofia’s accent and ‘irritating laugh,’ while Sofia blames Reese for not being sexy or funny enough.”

Again, I’m no film expert, but I’m pretty confident neither Sofia’s accent nor Reese’s utter lack of comedic chops were solely to blame. (For one thing, what turned people off could just as easily have been Reese’s accent, and Sofia’s failure to be funny.)

Mostly I’d blame the writing.

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