Sandra Lee—author; chef; semi-homemade—is nothing if not a problem solver. So when she discovered a struggling baby seal washed up on the beach in Malibu this Tuesday, she canceled her many important television appearances to save it.

Lee relayed the saga in a post on her Facebook page, which begins in the third person:

Sandra Lee started a crazy day of taping segments in LA, with what she hoped would be a calming walk on the beach to center herself, before shooting television segments. Instead, the walk led to tears and frustration when a baby seal crawled out from behind the rocks towards her clinging for life. That’s when the morning of back-to-back appointments was canceled in favor of saving one tiny seal pup’s life.

She continues, “I just couldn’t believe it when I saw the little seal was making movements as if he wanted to nurse. I knew he was hungry, weak, and definitely very scared. I ran from the beach to get a blanket and a few pieces of raw fish. I started to Google seal rescue and animal rescue in Southern California.”

Page Six reports that Lee got the fish from the nearby Malibu Beach Inn. After many phone calls, Lee says, she got a wildlife rescue team to meet her at the beach. The team was helmed by a WOMAN, no surprise. Lee explains:

As I find so often in life, girl power can be a force stronger than nature or in this case, saving one of nature’s most vulnerable creatures. The young woman who gently scooped the little seal into a net to transport him to a wildlife rehabilitation center told me she has rescued three thousand baby seals within the past year.

Lee has now pledged to match $25,000 in donations to the California Wildlife Center to help save more baby seals that are washing up on shores across Southern California due to rising ocean temperatures. Seal power, girl power—we love it.

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