Miniature comedian Kevin Hart is now a well-liked movie star. He also thinks he deserves more than $3 million to tweet, according to this leaked straight out of Sony.

The email exchange below, between Sony Pictures co-chair Amy Pascal, studio exec Clint Culpepper, and Sony Entertainment CEO Michael Lynton, pertains to squeaky Mr. Hart, whose fame has continued to expand with recent Sony Pictures films. The studio was hoping Hart would be so kind as to write a 140-characters-or-less statement or three about his new movie (possibly Think Like a Man Too), as is normal when an actor with hands is promoting a new movie. But as you can see in the below message, Kevin wanted more money to go social (click expand to make it big):

"I'm not saying he's a whore, but he's a whore."

More money, in addition to the three million he was already being paid. To tweet. And maybe do some Instagram stuff. And my god, Culpepper adds, think of the precedent!

It's not as if we paid him 3M and 4M respectively for his last 2 films thinking he might be nominated. We paid for his ability to open a film which included his social media savvy. I feel like this is something that should be negotiated going into the film as opposed to after the fact. It feels tantamount to

buying a car and then upon picking it up being told that the engine will cost extra. I'm tempted to suggest we call his bluff. If he doesn't do his normal routine, his film will not open as well and his brand will appear diminished and he will- in fact - be fucking himself because we have his next 2 immediate films. And then there's the social media precedent we're setting...especially in light of the fact that Channing is at the same agency.

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An interesting ontological question: is an actor's social media presence included when you pay them a giant sum? Just kidding, thats not interesting, it's insane.

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