500 Days of Kristin, Day 250: In Search of a Believer
Allie Jones · 10/02/15 02:37PM
Two hundred and fifty days ago, former reality TV star Kristin Cavallari announced that she was writing a book to be released sometime in the spring of 2016. Balancing in Heels (formerly titled Balancing on Heels—Kristin’s first choice of title) now has an official cover image and a website where you can pre-order it.
500 Days of Kristin, Day 200: It's Finally Here!!!
Allie Jones · 08/13/15 03:45PM
Like a C-student proudly delivering completed homework to the teacher for the first time all semester, Kristin Cavallari announced progress on her forthcoming book today, the 200th day of Kristin. One hundred days have passed since Defamer last evaluated her work on Balancing in Heels (formerly known as Balancing on Heels, Kristin’s original idea for the title), and today, we can officially state that Kristin has accomplished at least one item during that time period.
500 Days of Kristin, Day 131: Why Do You Need to Know?
Allie Jones · 06/05/15 02:30PM
Earlier this week, former Laguna Beach star Kristin Cavallari announced that she has finished writing her debut “lifestyle” “book,” Balancing in Heels. The project—originally titled Balancing on Heels—is set for publication many, many months from now. When will we, the wretched, be able to purchase it?
500 Days of Kristin, Day 117: Balancing In Heels In Pictures
Allie Jones · 05/22/15 12:40PM500 Days of Kristin, Day 100: The First Hundred Days
Allie Jones · 05/05/15 01:58PM
One hundred sunsets into her memoir-writing journey, Kristin Cavallari has begun to steer the country away from fugly flats and into heels. Though her legislative gains have been meager—some might say non-existent—Kristin has attacked her overarching goal of putting her life’s work on the record with enthusiasm.