
Kourtney Kardashian Reportedly Left That No-Good Cheater Scott Disick 

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/06/15 12:05PM

The Kardashian-Disick House hath fallen and Our Lady Kourtney is a Lady no more. According to reports, the third-most popular Kardashian and her long-term partner “Lord Scott Disick” have split for good, and not just because he refers to himself as “Lord Scott Disick.”

Susan Sarandon Finally Dumped Her Ping-Pong Boyfriend 

Allie Jones · 03/05/15 09:40AM

Oscar-winning actress Susan Sarandon has been dating a man thirty years her junior for the last five years, but you knew that, I'm sure. His name is Jonathan Bricklin, and his job is running a New York City "ping-pong social club" in which Sarandon has invested. The good news is she dumped him.