Zayn Has Chosen a Different Hair Color, Which Is His Right
Kelly Conaboy · 06/08/15 12:33PM
As you know, we at Defamer are dedicated to keeping you up to date on the length and style of former One Direction member and lifelong graffiti enthusiast Zayn Malik’s hair. It is worth noting that our reporting is not reliant upon agreeing with the choices made re: the length and style of said hair.
Breaking Hair News: Amy Poehler New Hair Now
Kelly Conaboy · 04/09/15 11:10AMJared Leto Is Blond—Jared Blond
Kelly Conaboy · 03/05/15 02:46PMAttention! Attention: It Is Very Likely That Jared Leto Got a Haircut
Kelly Conaboy · 03/02/15 03:55PM
On December 24th, 2014, Jared Leto posted to Instagram an older photo of himself with a short haircut. He captioned this photo "Haircut. #2015." Since that moment, we have waited impatiently, grinding our teeth, digging into the earth endlessly simply to release our tension, refusing food due to its dearth of the sustenance we need, the sustenance that comes only with Jared Leto's haircut, while we waited for the actor to make good on his promise.
Breaking Hair News: Justin Bieber Dyed His Hair Blond
Kelly Conaboy · 12/08/14 02:41PM
BONK BONK BONK. WEEE-OOOO WEEE-OOOO. PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW. This is not a test. Please take to your hair chairs and put on your helmets—just kidding. That part was a test. Do not put on your helmets. Just put on your hair seat belts in your hair chairs and you'll be fine. Justin Bieber dyed his hair blond!