Hollywood Sex Offender Marc Collins-Rector Is Sick, Broke, and Alone
Jordan Sargent · 06/26/14 11:10AM
One of the central figures in the sex abuse allegations against X-Men director Bryan Singer was Marc Collins-Rector, a registered sex offender and one-time Hollywood power player whose mansion was the site of alleged rapes. Collins-Rector hadn't been seen publicly since 2007, but his whereabouts were revealed today by Buzzfeed.
Bryan Singer Accuser Michael Egan Drops Suit Against Ex-Disney Exec
Jordan Sargent · 06/05/14 01:10PM
Michael Egan, the man who has accused four Hollywood power players—including X-Men director Bryan Singer—of raping him when he was a teenager, dropped one of the quartet of lawsuits today, according to the Los Angeles Times. The man no longer being targeted is David Neuman, a one-time executive at Disney and CNN.
Lawyer: Bryan Singer Confidant Used Social Media, Candy to Woo Boy
Jordan Sargent · 05/05/14 05:21PM
Jeff Herman, the attorney representing Michael Egan and a man known only as John Doe in sexual abuse lawsuits against Hollywood executives, revealed evidence today that he says details the predatory relationship between X-Men director Bryan Singer, producer Gary Goddard and a then-14-year-old John Doe.
The Sad Truths Behind the L.A. Party Scene That Took Down Bryan Singer
Jordan Sargent · 04/24/14 04:33PM
X-Men director Bryan Singer is not the only powerful gay man in Hollywood who likes to surround himself with handsome twinks. But according to a handful of sources who spoke with Gawker over the course of the last week, he was known as the most generous and active benefactor of a scene that allowed the young and impressionable to rub up against Hollywood elite—including prominent writers, directors and actors—leaving behind bitter memories and a sheaf of newly filed lawsuits.
Jordan Sargent · 04/22/14 01:48PM
Bryan Singer Accuser Alleges Abuse by Three More Hollywood Executives
Jordan Sargent · 04/21/14 04:48PMThe Great Big Bryan Singer Sex Party Mailbag
Jordan Sargent · 04/18/14 05:04PM
X-Men director Bryan Singer strenuously denies that he drugged and raped a 17-year-old in 1998, and claims he has evidence to prove that he wasn't even in Hawaii at the time the assault is said to have been taken place there. But the accusation has opened the floodgates of stories, memories, rumors and gossip—much of which landed in our inboxes over the last two days. Welcome to the Bryan Singer sex party mailbag.