Native American Council Responds to Khloé Kardashian's Bullshit
Kelly Conaboy · 06/25/14 01:06PM
Over the weekend, the Kardashian family celebrated North West's first birthday with a kid-themed Coachella called "Kidchella." Khloé wore a Native American war bonnet for the occasion—no doy—and immediately—no doy—received negative feedback. Today, Cliff Matias, cultural director of the Redhawk Native American Arts Council, spoke about the images.
The Shit-Slingers Over At TMZ Think Rape Culture Is A Hilarious Joke
Beejoli Shah · 12/30/13 01:30PMA+E Caves, Reinstates Bearded Bigot Phil Robertson to Duck Dynasty
Beejoli Shah · 12/27/13 06:11PM
A mere eight days after placing Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson on "indefinite hiatus" following his homophobic comments to GQ Magazine, A+E has caved to Internet demand and brought Robertson back to the cast of the popular cable show. The reinstatement comes after a petition at IStandWithPhil.com garnered 259,979 signatures (at the time of publication)—a mere 2% of the show's average 11.8 million viewer audience.