
Who Should Play The Laser Cannon in the New Space Invaders Movie?

Kelly Conaboy · 07/18/14 03:25PM

According to The Wrap, Warner Bros. has acquired feature films rights to the 100-year-old (give or take) arcade game "Space Invaders," and producers Akiva Goldsman, Joby Harold, and Tory Tunnell have already signed on. That leaves us to wonder: which actor (or actress!) will take the role of our laser cannon hero?

Want to Star on Reality TV? Here's How

Anonymous · 07/16/13 02:34PM

Do you love reality tv? Do you hate it? Who cares! There's no time to sit around and talk about how you feel. Not when you have to drop everything right now and respond to casting calls for upcoming shows. Feeling shy? Fine! Nominate a coworker and joyfully await the hilarious and unexpected call from a casting agent. It really doesn't matter as long as you're doing something.

Rosie O'Donnell: Another One Rides The Bus

mark · 05/04/04 12:22PM

In the triumphant spirit of Rain Man, I Am Sam, and A League of Their Own, Rosie O'Donnell will play a retarded woman who spends her days riding city buses in a CBS made-for-TV movie, Riding the Bus With My Sister. [Ed. note—We checked, and Rosie's character in League wasn't actually retarded, but close enough. This is a blog. Rock on.]

Hollywood Out of Ideas 4: Burt Repeats Himself

mark · 04/29/04 03:31PM

What's an aging actor who was once one of the world's biggest draws to do to try and kickstart his career? No, John Travolta's not falling asleep next to Quentin Tarantino's Pussy Wagon, clutching an FTD "Cast Me!" bouquet in his meaty paws. Today is Burt Reynold's turn. Reynolds has just signed on to star opposite Adam Sandler in a remake of The Longest Yard. And, indeed, the original The Longest Yard did star a much younger Burt Reynolds. Some might call this wink-wink casting, a knowing nod to cut a little of the "they're remaking that?" criticism. Some might call this money trouble. We'll just reserve judgment and hope that when the studios come calling with the Stroker Ace redo, Burt will have an ex-wife or beach house that needs paying off.

Hollywood Still Out of Ideas: Dangerfield Reloaded

mark · 04/23/04 12:47PM

Once again, Hollywood looks into the idea cupboard, finds it bare, and starts rooting around in the wastebasket for a half-eaten donut. MGM is remaking the Rodney Dangerfield/pre-legal-problem Robert Downey Jr. classic Back to School. Cedric the Entertainer, who is currently reimagining Chevy Chase in Johnson Family Vacation, will update the Dangerfield role.