Seth Green Caught on Camera Trying to Eat One of His Boogers
Sarah Hedgecock · 05/02/14 10:05AMSeth Green ate a booger on Conan on Wednesday. Seth Green did not think anyone actually caught him eating a booger on television. Seth Green underestimated Reddit's interest in booger-eating.
Lacey Donohue · 02/17/14 01:45PM
Jack Black Cost Conan O'Brien $25,000
Beejoli Shah · 11/06/13 12:04PM
After finally recovering from the onslaught of complaints they received after Destiny Hope Cyrus smeared her burgeoning latex-clad sexuality all over Jason Seaver's son, the FCC is back in action. Unfortunately, the Super Bowl is still three months away and winter is upon us, so most middle fingers have stayed firmly gloved and nipples have been tucked back into their brassieres. Fear not, the censorship giants have decided to go after America's favorite ginger: Conan O'Brien.