Shia LaBeouf Puts Head Through Window, Suffers Grisly or Minimal Injury
Jay Hathaway · 06/24/15 05:05PM
Shia LeBeouf, a talking man who was once blessedly silent, went to the hospital Wednesday after injuring himself doing a stunt for the upcoming film American Honey. “The actor was supposed to put his head through a glass window in one scene, but a mishap caused his head to be cut, along with his index finger,” Variety reports. (The mishap was probably that he put his head through a glass window?)
Clumsy Girl Ruins Mom's Chance at Justin Bieber by Falling Out of Car
Jay Hathaway · 01/30/15 06:15PM
Emotional minefield Justin Bieber, currently attempting to rebrand himself as something other than a stubborn piss-stain, stopped his car to acknowledge an elderly fan (Larry King) in L.A. this morning, earning himself 3 karma points and 12 hours of Lindsay Lohan community service. A pleasant time was had by all, except the girl who fell out of her mom's car while chasing Bieber.