Might Louis Tomlinson not have impregnated Los Angeles-based stylist Briana Jungwirth? An In Touch source says: [suggestive shrug and raising of eyebrows].
Louis Tomlinson, the member of Judas-themed pop group One Direction who allegedly impregnated Los Angeles-based stylist Briana Jungwirth with his liar’s seed, posted a message to Twitter last night regarding One Direction’s one-year hiatus.
Peoplereports Louis Tomlinson, the member of One Direction whose features are most beautifully feminine, is having a baby with Los Angeles-based stylist Briana Jungwirth. Congratulations to the surprised couple!
“We totally respect his decision,” One Direction wrote in a statement announcing Zayn Malik’s departure. “And send him all our love for the future.” *Maury voice* That’s a lie.