Quentin Tarantino Throws Temper Tantrum After Script Leak
Lacey Donohue · 01/22/14 10:37AMI Got My Toes Sucked By Tarantino And All I Got Was This Lousy Blog
Beejoli Shah · 08/20/13 01:30PMQuentin Tarantino's Girlfriend Caught Plagiarizing Her Film Columns
Anonymous · 07/15/13 01:02PM
Quentin Tarantino, the chode of all chodes, is no stranger to plagiarism allegations. Good thing because his girlfriend, almost-award winning writer Lianne “Spiderbaby” MacDougall, is going to need a lot of help recovering from her own cheating scandal—over the weekend, she admitted plagiarizing from a host of different sources in her column for a horror fansite.
Gawker Media Greenlights Defamer Reboot; Ankled Exec to Helm
A.J. Daulerio · 06/11/13 02:01PM
Does anyone remember Beejoli Shah? She was the former GENERATE media employee whose toes were once slurped by director Quentin Tarantino after the two met at a party in The Hills a couple of years ago. The reason some of you may know this is because Beejoli sent a graphic play-by-play of the toe-coital encounter in an email to 15 of her closest CC's, including visual evidence of her nuzzling in a photo booth with QT himself, which was haphazardly forwarded and then published on many sites across the internet. The world laughed, Beejoli was fired, the world moved on. (Beejoli is still on Twitter, btw, so Follow Friday, Friendsicles.)