Here Is the Leaked Quentin Tarantino Hateful Eight Script
Lacey Donohue · 01/23/14 04:50PMQuestion About Lena Dunham's Nudity Sparks "Rage Spiral" at TCA
Lacey Donohue · 01/10/14 10:57AMTheWrap Aims at Anonymous Scandal Blogger; Hits Her Roommate
Beejoli Shah · 10/25/13 05:32PM
In the biggest scandal to rock Oliva Pope's nation since we found out you-know-who was the one running you-know-what, and was the one who had ordered the other you-know-who to be held captive you-know-where, The Wrap reported earlier this week that a popular and controversial Scandal blogger was actually an employee of ABC named Courtney Pajor. They backtracked today, releasing a statement from ABC, that the blogger was actually an old roommate of Pajor's.
Breakdowns: Breaking Bad Wants to Carve Out Your Vertebrae
Beejoli Shah · 09/06/13 12:12PMNikki Finke Blackballs FX's President for Fraternizing With the Enemy
Beejoli Shah · 08/26/13 12:32PM
In today's episode of Hollywood Dance Moms, the feud between Deadline's Nikki Finke (Abby Lee, natch) and The Wrap's Sharon Waxman (sucks to be Cathy) goes for another round: this time over Waxman's upcoming annual conference on the intersection of journalism, entertainment, and technology, TheGrill. FX's president is scheduled to speak there, a transgression that has earned his network a coverage ban in Finke's