Hell hath no fury like a B-level director scorned.

Our good friends over at The Hollywood Reporter got their hands on this ​most angy email from writer/director Joe Carnahan to MGM's president of production, Jonathan Glickman. Turns out Carnahan, perhaps best known for writing and directing the reboot of The A-Team, wasn't so happy about being replaced as director on MGM's upcoming film, Death Wish, which Carnahan also wrote the script for. The email, which was sent on April 10th, 2013 reads:

You had a potential Oscar-winning film with maybe the best script in Hollywood but because you're a coward and a dumb cunt you now have an untested second-time director and an arrogant, lazy, aging action star that will run that poor kid into the ground. Good luck, asshole. You're a spineless, gutless turd who doesn't belong in this business. Enjoy your run as a `studio head,' Glickman. It's going to be a short one.

Fuck you,

Joe Carnahan

Dumb cunt. Where have I heard that before?

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