Whatever happened to Aaron Carter? The blonde, bouncy little brother of Backstreet Boy Nick Carter recorded a song with Shaq, toured the world with his brother's group, and dated Hilary Duff, all before the age of 14. And then he all disappeared from the teen-idol radar.

Of course, he's still around, touring small venues and making music, trading on memories of his former celebrity. In fact, as I found out recently, if you write about Carter online, you'll be inundated with stories of his post-stardom career, claiming that the former idol will desperately try to get with any girl whose nostalgia might drive her to fuck Aaron Carter—even some who might be underage.

Being a sucker for nostalgia myself, I enjoy keeping up with Carter's Instagram posts—they are, at least, the closest I'll ever get to another season of The Surreal Life. After Carter posted a picture of himself cradling his old Sidekick, I jokingly reposted it on my blog Pop Culture Died in 2009 with a caption relating to his sad career.

What followed was something I didn't expect: a huge swath of my readers sending me stories of Aaron Carter being a huge creep. Within hours of my post, I had received dozens of messages from girls who claim they had met Aaron or knew someone who had.

Carter's career peaked at the age of 13, when his singles "Aaron's Party (Come and Get It)" and "That's How I Beat Shaq"—buoyed by the Disney Channel, who promoted Carter's music heavily and briefly turned him into a young heartthrob—both hit the Billboard charts. The former became a certified gold record. But just as he reached puberty, Carter's career devolved into family troubles and lawsuits, including one he filed in 2002 against legendary sleazeball and boy band sugar daddy Lou Pearlman, who Carter accused of stealing hundreds of thousand of dollars (and who was rumored to have molested a number of his clients).

Soon after, his music career fizzled. Like many washed-up former teen idols, Carter tried his hand at renewed relevance through reality TV. House of Carters, a reality show that aired on E! in the network's pre-Kardashian era, was a bust, though it did include a memorable, and still-frequently-replayed scene of Aaron and his brother fist-fighting over Paris Hilton. Eventually Carter landed a spot on Dancing with the Stars, the most prominent island for celebrity castaways. In the show's ninth season, he finished fifth.

Since then, nothing has stuck. His current claim to fame is probably the frequency with which he tweets about how horny he is, a subject that was covered in great detail in 2013 by Buzzfeed. In an interview with Katie Notopolous, Carter explained a tweet stating that he was "extremely sexual right now" by saying that he "was just REALLY horny." About an earlier tweet that read "Ok honestly, I'm not even outside I just wanna talk about boobies" Carter said "You know, I'm 25, I'm not in a relationship, I'm just a ravenous creature right now. I love women. A lot."

(If public horniness isn't the quality Carter is currently known for, maybe it's being his ex-girlfriend Hilary Duff's quasi-stalker. Every few months Carter professes his love for her on some social media site, but it isn't 2003, no matter how much he wants to believe it is.)

The fact that Carter describes himself as "ravenous" makes the stories I received from readers who claimed to have met him all the more believable. Initially, many were from people who say Aaron Carter hit on them using social media (obviously, I can't confirm the veracity of any of them):

"I live in Arkansas and there's a really embarrassing girl here that thinks she's hot shit because she snapchats Aaron carter... Like sweet dude! He's also like way older, yikes."

"sent aaron carter a DM on Instagram about how he should concentrate on music instead of under aged girls. so he cursed me out and blocked me like a pussy."

"wait are we still sharing Aaron Carter stories? because once he followed me on Twitter and dmed me and like started flirting and after I told him I didn't wanted anything he blocked me"

"I went to HS with a girl who tweeted Aaron a lot because he was going to come to Houston and he followed her back and she was so excited posted about it everywhere. Anyways she went and got back stage and I heard they still text. she was like 17 and this was two years ago?? Gross. He looks so washed up. Like a blonde kfed to me."

Then, I started getting messages of alleged encounters with Carter himself:

"I have a story about Aaron carter! The same thing happened to one of my friends she got Aaron's number from someone else and they started texting and she sent him nudes and they hooked up and after she was like just wondering what's up with your obsession with Hilary? And he kicked her out of his hotel room"

"I saw him too at a show in LA and did the same thing. Expect the last girl didn't want to make out with him because he just had his tongue in 2 other girls mouths."

"Aaron Carter was in Chicago for market days and I found him after his set and gave him a blowjob. He looked like he was tweaking the fuck out but I was hella drunk so it was fine"

"just to contribute to the aaron carter nonsense: my friend courtney saw him in october and there's a really awkward picture of her/him at a meet and greet where he grabbed her and went to kiss her and she luckily swerved to avoid it... she's 21, so it's not as creepy as some of these stories, but still"

Aaron carter grabbed my ass when I went to his show last year. He's actual trash

"Aaron Carter came to my town during the summer of 2013 and a friend asked me to go with her (unironically, I might add). I couldn't go, but she sent me a bunch of pics apparently taken from the stage of the crowd and there were about 40 people there. She also said she saw him at a bar next door to the venue a little later and he was wasted, talking shit, and tryna get with any girl that looked at him."

Then sorority stories became the focus:

"I have a story about Aaron Carter. A girl in my sorority spent Easter 2013 with him she's in one of his Instagram pictures from that day, and has pictures with him on Facebook. She had sex with him and stayed with him at his hotel in Denver, after paying to bowl with him. All I know is he started hitting on her during this VIP Bowling party, which she paid $100 to go to. Then by the end of the night, he asked her to put her number in his phone. (actually asked her to tell his assistant to do it, HA) Later that night he started texting her and he wanted her to come back to his hotel, and the rest is history."

"Aaron Carter came to my friends sorority this year for a meet and greet and he was supposed to come out and do a concert type thing but then he got caught having sex with one of the girls in the house and was asked to leave and got all mad and caused a scene and kept saying IM AARON CARTER DONT YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!?"

"I only know this through the grape vine but Aaron Carter came to Chico, Ca to do a performance and after went to a party with some sorority girls and did a bunch of coke with them."

Including one claim that he attempted to drug a sorority girl at a party:

hey so about aaron carter according to my cousin he went to her college and once at a party she caught him trying to roofie her roommate and she stopped him before he could thank god but rumor has it that he did roofie a girl at that party

There were a few messages about one incident in particular at Ohio University:

"According to my bestie who goes to Ohio U Aaron carter almost got arrested in Athens last summer at a party in the Blue House (very large place with very large parties, I had to show a guy guarding the door my tits to get in once) She said he also got kicked out of one of the bars.... Ohio does not like Aaron Carter anymore."

"This is 100% true My BFF goes to Ohio u and Aaron came and did a terrible concert with a shitty turnout then went bar hopping and kept trying to make VINES WITH ALL THE GIRLS and he was bothering my friends friends so he hit on him to make him leave"

To that, one reader added:

"He does this at literally every college performance he puts on."

The above stories, if they're true, are gross and sad. But as story after story came in, the girls allegedly being contacted by Carter got younger and younger:

"Aaron Carter is a grade A scumbag, for sure! He came to Athens, OH for a concert and shit-talked Hilary in the most passive way, he made out with like four high schoolers and kept telling the crowd how awesome he was. Everyone felt super uncomfortable and my friend even took a selfie with the crowd. No one was amused. It was honestly pathetic."

"Haha Aaron carter is such a scumbag! He had a "concert" in Seattle last year and my moms friends kid went to the show (16yrs old) and she got invited back stage. They kissed and he signed her underwear. They texted the entire night and I'm p sure actually had sex eventually."

"aaron carter is trash. last year he came to my city & took my underage friend (16 at the time) to a motel 6 & tried to have a threesome… she ended up blowing him. then this year he came to the hard rock cafe ( lmfao.) tickets were $10 so me & 3 friends went because it was cheap & it would be funny. We were the only ones there as a joke. When he called someone up on stage he picked me & whispered in my ear "kiss me." I just laughed in his face so he took me off stage. He made me so uncomfortable"

"I met aaron carter at a meet n greet of some sort in my hometown when I was 11 and he had the idea to give me his autograph on my underage butt on my wet seal jeans in lime green sharpie #romance"

"there seems to be a reoccurring theme with aaron carter...a friend of a friend also met him at a concert (when he came down to sing to her and danced with her for one whole song) ((btw-she was probably 17, maybe 18 at the time)) but it's funny how in almost every story, it's a young girl he does this stuff too. like high school, barely college."

Aaron carter has slept with my friends sister on multiple occasions, and I'm not sure if he slept with her when she was underage but He DEFINITELY creeps on young girls he is creepy and disgusting please spread at least that around

Recently on his Instagram, Carter has been posting more pictures of himself hanging out with girls outside his European shows. Drake Bell, a former teen sensation himself, commented on one. He wrote: "Like a Boss!"

[image via AP]