The new TV spot for Paramount's Nebraska reminds old white people that it's ok to get old because look at these movie stars! They're old too. The trailer, directed to "the people who dare to dream," highlights the ages of the film's actors as well as their time spent working in the industry. It would be nice to applaud Paramount for working against the ageist norms set in Hollywood, but let's be real: it's more likely that the studio hopes Academy voters will see the spot and think, "Man, these are some hardworking old white people just like me."

What's sad is that it probably will work because Oscar voters are 94% white, 77% male, and have a median age of 62. Dreamers and non-dreamers alike shouldn't be surprised to see more awards for Bruce Dern and June Squibb in the coming months.

[h/t Deadline]